Wednesday, August 28, 2013

DIY "52 reasons" deck of cards!

Today I will post a fun DIY craft called "52 reasons" deck of cards. This is a fun craft to make, that also makes a wonderful gift that your special someone or family member will love! I personally made this to give my boyfriend for his birthday.
list of 52 reasons

To get started you will need the following items:
* deck of cards
* single hole puncher
* computer or label maker 
* ribbon or binder rings
* scissors 
* glue stick
* strainer
* tea bags
* pot of boiling water

(total cost for materials of this project is around $10.00)

Now we are ready to get started!

Directions are as follow:

1) Bring pot of water to a boil then put in 3 tea bags
2) After the tea bags have been sitting in the boiling water for a couple minutes, submerge the 52 cards and leave in boiling water for 1 hour. This will give the cards an aged or "vintage" look.
3) Pour pot of tea and cards into strainer after the hour has completed.
4) Allow cards a few minutes to cool off before touching, then lay cards on a flat surface to dry overnight.
drying the cards overnight
cards once they were dry
5) The next day, go ahead and type out on computer (or use label maker) to make your list of 52 reasons why you love/like this person.
6) Once you have printed out the list, use scissors to cut out list so that all the words can fit on the cards.
7) Next, we will glue each reason on to a card. (This step will take awhile) :)
8) Now that all of our reasons are glued onto a card, we are going to punch 2 holes on each card. This is done better and more accurate if you use one card as a guide so that the holes are always in the same place. :)
9) Now put ribbon through the holes of the cards and tie together. (Or you could use binder rings) 

Now you have a beautiful, homemade gift to give to the person you love! :)